La Rose Vert. Descoberta na China por altura de 1833. A roseira que mais floresce entre todas, tem uma flor composta por brácteas castanhas e verdes todas emaranhadas! Uma curiosidade que tem lugar nos locais excêntricos do jardim e na composição de ramos.
in Rosas Antigas e Silvestres de Eléonore Cruse.
Três exemplares foram colocados em Maio de 2009 em Monserrate, no Antigo Roseiral pela Associação dos Amigos de Monserrate.
Provenientes dos viveiros de Peter Beales:
Rosa chinensis "Viridiflora"
La Rose Vert. Discovered in China around 1833. The shrub rose that flowers the most among every other, it has a flower made of brown and green bracteas all tied up. A curiosity that has place in the most excentric spots of the garden and in flower arrangements.
translated from Rosas Antigas e Silvestres by Eléonore Cruse
Three specimens were placed in May 2009 at Monserrate, in the Antigo Roseiral by the Friends of Monserrate Association.
Provinance from Peter Beales nurserys:
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All the photos are property of the author unless otherwise stated. Who wishes to use them should request authorization, indicating the purpose of use.
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