"No occupation is so delightful to me as the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson
(...) esta ruína ao lado da qual aparece a primeira Brugmansia sanguinea com os seus longos tubos amarelos e vermelhos. É uma árvore de 4 metros que produz um efeito extraordinário. E que encontramos mais em repetidos distintos momentos neste parque maravilhoso. (...)traduzido de: PORTUGAL Souvenirs et Impressions de Voyage de G. de Saint-Victor
(...) aside this ruin shows up the first Brugmansia sanguinea with it's long yellow and red tubes. It's a 4 metre tree that produces an extraordinaire effect that one encounters in several different repetitions in this marvellous park. (...)translated from: PORTUGAL Souvenirs et Impressions de Voyage by G. de Saint-Victor
(...) cette ruine à coté de laquelle apparaît le premier Datura sanguinea avec ses longs tubes jaunes et rouges. C’est un arbre de 4 mètres qui produit un effet extraordinaire et que l’on retrouve à plusieurs reprises différentes dans ce parc merveilleux. (...)original excerpt as in Jardim Formoso by Gerald Luckhurst
Amaryllis belladonna L.
Clerodendron x speciosum Teijsm. & Binn.
Crinum x powellii Baker
Drimia maritima Stearn
style="FONT-STYLE: italic">
Haemanthus humilis Jacq.
Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don
Nerine filifolia Baker
Nerine undulata (L.) Herb.
Sesbania punicea Benth.
Thunbergia coccinea Wall.