in Rosas Antigas e Silvestres de Eléonore Cruse
Rosa gallica "Complicata"
It's probably a cross between Rosa gallica and Rosa macrantha of which very little is known. It doesn't resemble in any aspect the other gallica roses and one can ask himself how it got it's name. Nothing justifies it. Poduces big wild pink roses, adapts to any soil, never has diseases, one can do whatever wants of it. It's the complete simplicity! Shrub or creeper: 2,50m x 2,50m. Direct sun or half-shadow, hedges. Flower diameter: 10cm, 5 petals. Fruits. Perfume** (intense). Only flowers once a year.
translated by the author from Rosas Antigas e Silvestres by Eléonore Cruse
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